Creative Visualization
Creative Visualization
About The Item...
This book, which helped launch a movement, has been used in the fields of health, education, business, sports, and creative arts for many years.
Gawain explains how to use mental imagery and affirmations to produce positive changes in one's life. The book contains meditations and exercises that are aimed at helping the practitioner channel energies in good directions, strengthen self-esteem, improve overall health, and experience deep relaxation.
I do believe, and I have seen in my own life, that Creative Visualization works.
Oprah Winfrey
An open mind and heart, plus the desire to greatly enrich one’s life, are all you need to bring to this book — then prepare yourself for some rather startling and truly marvelous results.
New Age Journal
Shakti Gawain provides us with the means to be our own instruments in dramatically and positively changing our lives.